




使用最优检索离线模型报warning 已完结 mcj2022-09-20 20:44:55 回复 2 查看 技术答疑 使用求助



2022-09-20 11:03:08.928709: [cnmlWarning] Accurary check failed, when compared to default config. diff1 = 0.675505%, diff2 = 0.835445%.

2022-09-20 11:03:08.928962: [cnmlWarning] error found during autotune, save current config as config.ini_error_20_11_3_8

2022-09-20 11:07:49.074400: [cnmlWarning] Accurary check failed, when compared to default config. diff1 = 0.675505%, diff2 = 0.835445%.

2022-09-20 11:07:49.074456: [cnmlWarning] error found during autotune, save current config as config.ini_error_20_11_7_49

2022-09-20 11:12:31.677131: [cnmlWarning] Accurary check failed, when compared to default config. diff1 = 0.675505%, diff2 = 0.835445%.

2022-09-20 11:12:31.677190: [cnmlWarning] error found during autotune, save current config as config.ini_error_20_11_12_31

2022-09-20 11:17:15.353790: [cnmlWarning] Accurary check failed, when compared to default config. diff1 = 0.675505%, diff2 = 0.835445%.

2022-09-20 11:17:15.354001: [cnmlWarning] error found during autotune, save current config as config.ini_error_20_11_17_15

2022-09-20 11:22:00.743482: [cnmlWarning] Accurary check failed, when compared to default config. diff1 = 0.675505%, diff2 = 0.835445%.

2022-09-20 11:22:00.743549: [cnmlWarning] error found during autotune, save current config as config.ini_error_20_11_22_0

2022-09-20 11:26:47.197209: [cnmlWarning] Accurary check failed, when compared to default config. diff1 = 0.675505%, diff2 = 0.835445%.

2022-09-20 11:26:47.197268: [cnmlWarning] error found during autotune, save current config as config.ini_error_20_11_26_47

2022-09-20 11:31:34.061479: [cnmlWarning] Accurary check failed, when compared to default config. diff1 = 0.675505%, diff2 = 0.835445%.

2022-09-20 11:31:34.061707: [cnmlWarning] error found during autotune, save current config as config.ini_error_20_11_31_34

2022-09-20 11:36:21.770397: [cnmlWarning] Accurary check failed, when compared to default config. diff1 = 0.675505%, diff2 = 0.835445%.

2022-09-20 11:36:21.770602: [cnmlWarning] error found during autotune, save current config as config.ini_error_20_11_36_21

2022-09-20 11:56:28.439833: [cnmlWarning] Accurary check failed, when compared to default config. diff1 = 2.24996%, diff2 = 2.63883%.

2022-09-20 11:56:28.439896: [cnmlWarning] error found during autotune, save current config as config.ini_error_20_11_56_28

2022-09-20 11:56:54.626073: [cnmlWarning] Accurary check failed, when compared to default config. diff1 = 2.24996%, diff2 = 2.63883%.

2022-09-20 11:56:54.626142: [cnmlWarning] error found during autotune, save current config as config.ini_error_20_11_56_54

2022-09-20 11:57:20.910207: [cnmlWarning] Accurary check failed, when compared to default config. diff1 = 2.24996%, diff2 = 2.63883%.

2022-09-20 11:57:20.910453: [cnmlWarning] error found during autotune, save current config as config.ini_error_20_11_57_20

2022-09-20 11:57:47.478420: [cnmlWarning] Accurary check failed, when compared to default config. diff1 = 2.24996%, diff2 = 2.63883%.

2022-09-20 11:57:47.478476: [cnmlWarning] error found during autotune, save current config as config.ini_error_20_11_57_47

2022-09-20 11:58:14.040899: [cnmlWarning] Accurary check failed, when compared to default config. diff1 = 2.24996%, diff2 = 2.63883%.

2022-09-20 11:58:14.040954: [cnmlWarning] error found during autotune, save current config as config.ini_error_20_11_58_14

2022-09-20 11:58:40.753045: [cnmlWarning] Accurary check failed, when compared to default config. diff1 = 2.24996%, diff2 = 2.63883%.

2022-09-20 11:58:40.753305: [cnmlWarning] error found during autotune, save current config as config.ini_error_20_11_58_40

2022-09-20 11:59:07.551526: [cnmlWarning] Accurary check failed, when compared to default config. diff1 = 2.24996%, diff2 = 2.63883%.

2022-09-20 11:59:07.551585: [cnmlWarning] error found during autotune, save current config as config.ini_error_20_11_59_7

2022-09-20 11:59:34.601144: [cnmlWarning] Accurary check failed, when compared to default config. diff1 = 2.24996%, diff2 = 2.63883%.

2022-09-20 11:59:34.601194: [cnmlWarning] error found during autotune, save current config as config.ini_error_20_11_59_34

2022-09-20 12:18:33.781428: [cnmlWarning] Accurary check failed, when compared to default config. diff1 = 2.24996%, diff2 = 2.63883%.

2022-09-20 12:18:33.781659: [cnmlWarning] error found during autotune, save current config as config.ini_error_20_12_18_33

2022-09-20 12:19:00.830851: [cnmlWarning] Accurary check failed, when compared to default config. diff1 = 2.24996%, diff2 = 2.63883%.

2022-09-20 12:19:00.831077: [cnmlWarning] error found during autotune, save current config as config.ini_error_20_12_19_0

2022-09-20 12:19:28.301999: [cnmlWarning] Accurary check failed, when compared to default config. diff1 = 2.24996%, diff2 = 2.63883%.

2022-09-20 12:19:28.302250: [cnmlWarning] error found during autotune, save current config as config.ini_error_20_12_19_28

2022-09-20 12:19:55.767851: [cnmlWarning] Accurary check failed, when compared to default config. diff1 = 2.24996%, diff2 = 2.63883%.

2022-09-20 12:19:55.768098: [cnmlWarning] error found during autotune, save current config as config.ini_error_20_12_19_55

2022-09-20 12:20:23.054133: [cnmlWarning] Accurary check failed, when compared to default config. diff1 = 2.24996%, diff2 = 2.63883%.

2022-09-20 12:20:23.054191: [cnmlWarning] error found during autotune, save current config as config.ini_error_20_12_20_23

2022-09-20 12:20:50.773515: [cnmlWarning] Accurary check failed, when compared to default config. diff1 = 2.24996%, diff2 = 2.63883%.

2022-09-20 12:20:50.773755: [cnmlWarning] error found during autotune, save current config as config.ini_error_20_12_20_50

2022-09-20 12:21:17.884960: [cnmlWarning] Accurary check failed, when compared to default config. diff1 = 2.24996%, diff2 = 2.63883%.

2022-09-20 12:21:17.885207: [cnmlWarning] error found during autotune, save current config as config.ini_error_20_12_21_17

2022-09-20 12:21:45.447511: [cnmlWarning] Accurary check failed, when compared to default config. diff1 = 2.24996%, diff2 = 2.63883%.

2022-09-20 12:21:45.447732: [cnmlWarning] error found during autotune, save current config as config.ini_error_20_12_21_45

2022-09-20 12:22:16.721630: [cnmlWarning] Accurary check failed, when compared to default config. diff1 = 2.25663%, diff2 = 2.64436%.

2022-09-20 12:22:16.721886: [cnmlWarning] error found during autotune, save current config as config.ini_error_20_12_22_16

2022-09-20 12:22:17.113541: [cnmlWarning] Accuracy problem found in the config of best performance. This Config is saved as: config.ini_acc_error, the hardware time = 14447, while the hardware time of output config is 38420

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