




yolov5模型基于CNStream框架使用CNCV前处理报错 已完结 FrostLee2023-02-21 16:48:01 回复 6 查看 技术答疑 使用求助


【使用操作系统】必填*:Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS

使用yolov3_ _detection_mlu220.json没问题,但是改用yolov5,使用CNCV做前处理,报如下错误。求助!!!


CNRT: 4.10.2 adb709e

WARNING: Logging before InitGoogleLogging() is written to STDERR

I0221 16:35:51.655498 22543 reflex_ .cpp:59] [CNStream REFLEX_ INFO] Register named [VideoPreprocCpu]

I0221 16:35:51.657466 22543 reflex_ .cpp:59] [CNStream REFLEX_ INFO] Register named [VideoObjPreprocCpu]

I0221 16:35:51.658270 22543 reflex_ .cpp:59] [CNStream REFLEX_ INFO] Register named [VideoPreprocYolov3]

I0221 16:35:51.658413 22543 reflex_ .cpp:59] [CNStream REFLEX_ INFO] Register named [PreprocLprnet]

I0221 16:35:51.658524 22543 reflex_ .cpp:59] [CNStream REFLEX_ INFO] Register named [PreprocCpu]

I0221 16:35:51.658618 22543 reflex_ .cpp:59] [CNStream REFLEX_ INFO] Register named [ObjPreprocCpu]

I0221 16:35:51.658779 22543 reflex_ .cpp:59] [CNStream REFLEX_ INFO] Register named [VideoPreprocYolov5]

I0221 16:35:51.658959 22543 reflex_ .cpp:59] [CNStream REFLEX_ INFO] Register named [PreprocYolov5]

I0221 16:35:51.659076 22543 reflex_ .cpp:59] [CNStream REFLEX_ INFO] Register named [PreprocYolov3]

I0221 16:35:51.659185 22543 reflex_ .cpp:59] [CNStream REFLEX_ INFO] Register named [PostprocMSSDPlateDetection]

I0221 16:35:51.659363 22543 reflex_ .cpp:59] [CNStream REFLEX_ INFO] Register named [PostprocVehicleCts]

I0221 16:35:51.659490 22543 reflex_ .cpp:59] [CNStream REFLEX_ INFO] Register named [VideoPostprocClassification]

I0221 16:35:51.659595 22543 reflex_ .cpp:59] [CNStream REFLEX_ INFO] Register named [VideoObjPostprocClassification]

I0221 16:35:51.659750 22543 reflex_ .cpp:59] [CNStream REFLEX_ INFO] Register named [PostprocSsd]

I0221 16:35:51.659859 22543 reflex_ .cpp:59] [CNStream REFLEX_ INFO] Register named [PostprocLprnet]

I0221 16:35:51.659976 22543 reflex_ .cpp:59] [CNStream REFLEX_ INFO] Register named [VideoPostprocYolov5MM]

I0221 16:35:51.660097 22543 reflex_ .cpp:59] [CNStream REFLEX_ INFO] Register named [VideoPostprocYolov5Output3]

I0221 16:35:51.660261 22543 reflex_ .cpp:59] [CNStream REFLEX_ INFO] Register named [VideoPostprocYolov3MM]

I0221 16:35:51.660377 22543 reflex_ .cpp:59] [CNStream REFLEX_ INFO] Register named [VideoPostprocYolov3]

I0221 16:35:51.660480 22543 reflex_ .cpp:59] [CNStream REFLEX_ INFO] Register named [PostprocYolov3]

I0221 16:35:51.660583 22543 reflex_ .cpp:59] [CNStream REFLEX_ INFO] Register named [VideoPostprocSsd]

I0221 16:35:51.660683 22543 reflex_ .cpp:59] [CNStream REFLEX_ INFO] Register named [PostprocYolov5]

I0221 16:35:51.660846 22543 reflex_ .cpp:59] [CNStream REFLEX_ INFO] Register named [PostprocClassification]

I0221 16:35:51.660965 22543 reflex_ .cpp:59] [CNStream REFLEX_ INFO] Register named [ObjPostprocClassification]

I0221 16:35:51.661088 22543 reflex_ .cpp:59] [CNStream REFLEX_ INFO] Register named [VideoPostprocYolov5]

I0221 16:35:51.661243 22543 reflex_ .cpp:59] [CNStream REFLEX_ INFO] Register named [PlateFilter]

I0221 16:35:51.661350 22543 reflex_ .cpp:59] [CNStream REFLEX_ INFO] Register named [CarFilter]

I0221 16:35:51.661450 22543 reflex_ .cpp:59] [CNStream REFLEX_ INFO] Register named [VehicleFilter]

I0221 16:35:51.661825 22543 reflex_ .cpp:59] [CNStream REFLEX_ INFO] Register named [PostprocBody25Pose]

I0221 16:35:51.661947 22543 reflex_ .cpp:59] [CNStream REFLEX_ INFO] Register named [PostprocCOCOPose]

I0221 16:35:51.662545 22543 reflex_ .cpp:59] [CNStream REFLEX_ INFO] Register named [DefaultKafkaHandler]

I0221 16:35:51.663798 22543 cns_launcher.cpp:403] [CNStream DEMO INFO] CNSTREAM VERSION:v6.2.0

I0221 16:35:51.783479 22543 mlu_context.cpp:130] [EasyDK Device] [CnrtInitTool] Cambricon runtime init success.

I0221 16:35:51.787344 22543 model_manager.cpp:172] [EasyDK InferServer] [ModelManager] Load model from file: /root/models/personsun.cambricon

I0221 16:35:51.913878 22543 model_cnrt.cpp:213] [EasyDK InferServer] [Model] Load function from offline model succeeded

W0221 16:35:51.962086 22543 cnstream_param.hpp:316] [CNStream CORE WARN] [ModuleParam]: color_mode is a deprecated parameter. selected automatically.

W0221 16:35:51.962479 22543 cnstream_param.hpp:316] [CNStream CORE WARN] [ModuleParam]: view_mode is a deprecated parameter. Replaced by view_rows & view_cols

I0221 16:35:51.986078 22543 cnstream_pipeline.cpp:148] [CNStream CORE INFO] Pipeline[MyPipeline] Start

I0221 16:35:51.988519 22543 cnstream_source.cpp:111] [CNStream CORE INFO] [stream_0]: Stream opening...

I0221 16:35:51.989636 22543 cnstream_source.cpp:117] [CNStream CORE INFO] Add stream success, stream id : [stream_0]

I0221 16:35:51.990068 22543 cnstream_source.cpp:111] [CNStream CORE INFO] [stream_1]: Stream opening...

I0221 16:35:51.990566 22543 cnstream_source.cpp:117] [CNStream CORE INFO] Add stream success, stream id : [stream_1]

I0221 16:35:52.088306 22603 data_handler_file.cpp:221] [CNStream SOURCE INFO] [stream_0]: Got video info.

I0221 16:35:52.089056 22603 video_decoder.cpp:83] [CNStream SOURCE INFO] [stream_0]: Begin create decoder

I0221 16:35:52.114452 22603 video_decoder.cpp:86] [CNStream SOURCE INFO] [stream_0]: Finish create decoder

I0221 16:35:52.254735 22604 data_handler_file.cpp:221] [CNStream SOURCE INFO] [stream_1]: Got video info.

I0221 16:35:52.254967 22604 video_decoder.cpp:83] [CNStream SOURCE INFO] [stream_1]: Begin create decoder

I0221 16:35:52.275552 22604 video_decoder.cpp:86] [CNStream SOURCE INFO] [stream_1]: Finish create decoder

[cndrvWarning]Current version of Driver is 4.6, we cannot dump the information about the kernel failure.

[cndrvWarning]If you want get the information about the kernel failure, please update driver to 4.8 version or higher

2023-02-21 16:35:52.649452: [cnrtError] [22551] [Card : 0] Error occurred in launchKernel during calling driver interface.

2023-02-21 16:35:52.649770: [cnrtError] [22551] [Card : 0] Return value is 423, MLU_QUEUE_ERROR_INVALID_QUEUE, means that "invalid queue"

[2023-2-21 16:35:52] [CNCV] [Error]:Check failed: Found Errors occurred during calling runtime functions.  when invoke kernel.

E0221 16:35:52.651051 22551 preprocess_impl.h:768] [EasyDK InferServer] Call cncvResizeConvert(handle_, batch_size, src_descs_.data(), src_rois_.data(), reinterpret_cast<void**>(mlu_input_y_ptr), reinterpret_cast<void**>(mlu_input_uv_ptr), dst_descs_.data(), dst_rois_.data(), reinterpret_cast<void**>(mlu_output_ptr), workspace_size_, workspace_.MutableData(), CNCV_INTER_BILINEAR) failed. error code: 6

start queue dump

queue dump success

2023-02-21 16:35:52.736710: [cnrtError] [22551] [Card : 0] Error occurred in cnrtSyncQueue during calling driver interface.

2023-02-21 16:35:52.736804: [cnrtError] [22551] [Card : 0] Return value is 2000, MLU_ERROR_UNKNOWN, means that "unknown error"

2023-02-21 16:35:52.736858: [cnrtError] [22551] [Card : 0] mlu unfinished!

for more information, please use core dump analysis tools

E0221 16:35:52.736948 22551 preprocess_impl.h:1045] [EasyDK InferServer] Call cnrt::QueueSync(queue_) failed. error code: 632046

E0221 16:35:52.737083 22551 preprocessor.cpp:158] [EasyDK InferServer] [PreprocessorMLU] preprocess failed

E0221 16:35:52.737309 22551 engine.cpp:56] [EasyDK InferServer] [TaskNode] processor [PreprocessorMLU] execute failed

E0221 16:35:52.738945 22560 cnstream_pipeline.cpp:456] [CNStream CORE ERROR] [MyPipeline/ _detection/detector]: Process inference failed

I0221 16:35:52.739104 22560 cnstream_eventbus.cpp:125] [CNStream CORE INFO] Event bus exit.

W0221 16:35:52.739905 22545 cns_launcher.cpp:116] [CNStream DEMO WARN] [MyPipeline] received error from stream: , remove sources.

I0221 16:35:52.760814 22603 mlu2xx_decoder.cpp:170] [CNStream SOURCE INFO] [stream_0]: Begin to destroy decoder

I0221 16:35:52.760831 22604 mlu2xx_decoder.cpp:170] [CNStream SOURCE INFO] [stream_1]: Begin to destroy decoder

I0221 16:35:52.761072 22603 mlu2xx_decoder.cpp:246] [CNStream SOURCE INFO] [stream_0]: cnvideoDecFeedData(eos) succeed.

I0221 16:35:52.761088 22604 mlu2xx_decoder.cpp:246] [CNStream SOURCE INFO] [stream_1]: cnvideoDecFeedData(eos) succeed.

I0221 16:35:52.764966 22609 cnstream_pipeline.cpp:352] [CNStream CORE INFO] [MyPipeline/decode/source] [stream_0] got eos.

I0221 16:35:52.765345 22561 cnstream_pipeline.cpp:352] [CNStream CORE INFO] [MyPipeline/ _detection/detector] [stream_0] got eos.

I0221 16:35:52.766140 22610 cnstream_pipeline.cpp:352] [CNStream CORE INFO] [MyPipeline/decode/source] [stream_1] got eos.

I0221 16:35:52.766319 22609 data_handler_util.hpp:192] [CNStream SOURCE INFO] [stream_0]: Send EOS info

I0221 16:35:52.766847 22610 data_handler_util.hpp:192] [CNStream SOURCE INFO] [stream_1]: Send EOS info

2023-02-21 16:35:52.779307: [cnrtError] [22552] [Card : 0] Error occurred in cnrtMemcpyAsync during calling driver interface.

2023-02-21 16:35:52.779403: [cnrtError] [22552] [Card : 0] Return value is 423, MLU_QUEUE_ERROR_INVALID_QUEUE, means that "invalid queue"

2023-02-21 16:35:52.779498: [cnrtError] [22552] [Card : 0] [/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/SCM/independent_build.customized/cntoolkit_ /k8s/cncv/kernels/resize/resize_convert/resize_convert.mlu:725] CNRT error, code=632046(Errors occurred from driver functions that are returned via CNRT. See the detailed error messages on the screen. ) "cnrtMemcpyAsync(workspace, workspace_cpu, check_size, handle->queue, CNRT_MEM_TRANS_DIR_HOST2DEV)"

[cndrvWarning]Current version of Driver is 4.6, we cannot dump the information about the kernel failure.

[cndrvWarning]If you want get the information about the kernel failure, please update driver to 4.8 version or higher

2023-02-21 16:35:52.789473: [cnrtError] [22552] [Card : 0] Error occurred in launchKernel during calling driver interface.

2023-02-21 16:35:52.789608: [cnrtError] [22552] [Card : 0] Return value is 423, MLU_QUEUE_ERROR_INVALID_QUEUE, means that "invalid queue"

[2023-2-21 16:35:52] [CNCV] [Error]:Check failed: Found Errors occurred during calling runtime functions.  when invoke kernel.

E0221 16:35:52.789896 22552 preprocess_impl.h:768] [EasyDK InferServer] Call cncvResizeConvert(handle_, batch_size, src_descs_.data(), src_rois_.data(), reinterpret_cast<void**>(mlu_input_y_ptr), reinterpret_cast<void**>(mlu_input_uv_ptr), dst_descs_.data(), dst_rois_.data(), reinterpret_cast<void**>(mlu_output_ptr), workspace_size_, workspace_.MutableData(), CNCV_INTER_BILINEAR) failed. error code: 6

I0221 16:35:52.793061 22577 cnstream_pipeline.cpp:352] [CNStream CORE INFO] [MyPipeline/osd_label_map_coco/osd] [stream_0] got eos.

I0221 16:35:52.797948 22603 mlu2xx_decoder.cpp:204] [CNStream SOURCE INFO] [stream_0]: Finish destroy decoder

I0221 16:35:52.798544 22578 cnstream_pipeline.cpp:352] [CNStream CORE INFO] [MyPipeline/sinker/rtsp_sink] [stream_0] got eos.

start queue dump

queue dump success

2023-02-21 16:35:52.798878: [cnrtError] [22552] [Card : 0] Error occurred in cnrtSyncQueue during calling driver interface.

2023-02-21 16:35:52.798942: [cnrtError] [22552] [Card : 0] Return value is 2000, MLU_ERROR_UNKNOWN, means that "unknown error"

2023-02-21 16:35:52.798995: [cnrtError] [22552] [Card : 0] mlu unfinished!

for more information, please use core dump analysis tools

E0221 16:35:52.799067 22552 preprocess_impl.h:1045] [EasyDK InferServer] Call cnrt::QueueSync(queue_) failed. error code: 632046

E0221 16:35:52.799154 22552 preprocessor.cpp:158] [EasyDK InferServer] [PreprocessorMLU] preprocess failed

E0221 16:35:52.799310 22552 engine.cpp:56] [EasyDK InferServer] [TaskNode] processor [PreprocessorMLU] execute failed

2023-02-21 16:35:52.820689: [cnrtError] [22553] [Card : 0] Error occurred in cnrtMemcpyAsync during calling driver interface.

2023-02-21 16:35:52.820774: [cnrtError] [22553] [Card : 0] Return value is 423, MLU_QUEUE_ERROR_INVALID_QUEUE, means that "invalid queue"

2023-02-21 16:35:52.820832: [cnrtError] [22553] [Card : 0] [/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/SCM/independent_build.customized/cntoolkit_ /k8s/cncv/kernels/resize/resize_convert/resize_convert.mlu:725] CNRT error, code=632046(Errors occurred from driver functions that are returned via CNRT. See the detailed error messages on the screen. ) "cnrtMemcpyAsync(workspace, workspace_cpu, check_size, handle->queue, CNRT_MEM_TRANS_DIR_HOST2DEV)"

[cndrvWarning]Current version of Driver is 4.6, we cannot dump the information about the kernel failure.

[cndrvWarning]If you want get the information about the kernel failure, please update driver to 4.8 version or higher

2023-02-21 16:35:52.830132: [cnrtError] [22553] [Card : 0] Error occurred in launchKernel during calling driver interface.

2023-02-21 16:35:52.830192: [cnrtError] [22553] [Card : 0] Return value is 423, MLU_QUEUE_ERROR_INVALID_QUEUE, means that "invalid queue"

[2023-2-21 16:35:52] [CNCV] [Error]:Check failed: Found Errors occurred during calling runtime functions.  when invoke kernel.

E0221 16:35:52.830420 22553 preprocess_impl.h:768] [EasyDK InferServer] Call cncvResizeConvert(handle_, batch_size, src_descs_.data(), src_rois_.data(), reinterpret_cast<void**>(mlu_input_y_ptr), reinterpret_cast<void**>(mlu_input_uv_ptr), dst_descs_.data(), dst_rois_.data(), reinterpret_cast<void**>(mlu_output_ptr), workspace_size_, workspace_.MutableData(), CNCV_INTER_BILINEAR) failed. error code: 6

start queue dump

queue dump success

2023-02-21 16:35:52.839096: [cnrtError] [22553] [Card : 0] Error occurred in cnrtSyncQueue during calling driver interface.

2023-02-21 16:35:52.839146: [cnrtError] [22553] [Card : 0] Return value is 2000, MLU_ERROR_UNKNOWN, means that "unknown error"

2023-02-21 16:35:52.839187: [cnrtError] [22553] [Card : 0] mlu unfinished!

for more information, please use core dump analysis tools

E0221 16:35:52.839233 22553 preprocess_impl.h:1045] [EasyDK InferServer] Call cnrt::QueueSync(queue_) failed. error code: 632046

E0221 16:35:52.839318 22553 preprocessor.cpp:158] [EasyDK InferServer] [PreprocessorMLU] preprocess failed

E0221 16:35:52.839399 22553 engine.cpp:56] [EasyDK InferServer] [TaskNode] processor [PreprocessorMLU] execute failed

2023-02-21 16:35:52.860158: [cnrtError] [22554] [Card : 0] Error occurred in cnrtMemcpyAsync during calling driver interface.

2023-02-21 16:35:52.860277: [cnrtError] [22554] [Card : 0] Return value is 423, MLU_QUEUE_ERROR_INVALID_QUEUE, means that "invalid queue"

2023-02-21 16:35:52.860355: [cnrtError] [22554] [Card : 0] [/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/SCM/independent_build.customized/cntoolkit_ /k8s/cncv/kernels/resize/resize_convert/resize_convert.mlu:725] CNRT error, code=632046(Errors occurred from driver functions that are returned via CNRT. See the detailed error messages on the screen. ) "cnrtMemcpyAsync(workspace, workspace_cpu, check_size, handle->queue, CNRT_MEM_TRANS_DIR_HOST2DEV)"

[cndrvWarning]Current version of Driver is 4.6, we cannot dump the information about the kernel failure.

[cndrvWarning]If you want get the information about the kernel failure, please update driver to 4.8 version or higher

2023-02-21 16:35:52.869402: [cnrtError] [22554] [Card : 0] Error occurred in launchKernel during calling driver interface.

2023-02-21 16:35:52.869466: [cnrtError] [22554] [Card : 0] Return value is 423, MLU_QUEUE_ERROR_INVALID_QUEUE, means that "invalid queue"

[2023-2-21 16:35:52] [CNCV] [Error]:Check failed: Found Errors occurred during calling runtime functions.  when invoke kernel.

E0221 16:35:52.869776 22554 preprocess_impl.h:768] [EasyDK InferServer] Call cncvResizeConvert(handle_, batch_size, src_descs_.data(), src_rois_.data(), reinterpret_cast<void**>(mlu_input_y_ptr), reinterpret_cast<void**>(mlu_input_uv_ptr), dst_descs_.data(), dst_rois_.data(), reinterpret_cast<void**>(mlu_output_ptr), workspace_size_, workspace_.MutableData(), CNCV_INTER_BILINEAR) failed. error code: 6

start queue dump

queue dump success

2023-02-21 16:35:52.878437: [cnrtError] [22554] [Card : 0] Error occurred in cnrtSyncQueue during calling driver interface.

2023-02-21 16:35:52.878493: [cnrtError] [22554] [Card : 0] Return value is 2000, MLU_ERROR_UNKNOWN, means that "unknown error"

2023-02-21 16:35:52.878543: [cnrtError] [22554] [Card : 0] mlu unfinished!

for more information, please use core dump analysis tools

E0221 16:35:52.878624 22554 preprocess_impl.h:1045] [EasyDK InferServer] Call cnrt::QueueSync(queue_) failed. error code: 632046

E0221 16:35:52.878701 22554 preprocessor.cpp:158] [EasyDK InferServer] [PreprocessorMLU] preprocess failed

E0221 16:35:52.878770 22554 engine.cpp:56] [EasyDK InferServer] [TaskNode] processor [PreprocessorMLU] execute failed

I0221 16:35:52.880036 22562 cnstream_pipeline.cpp:352] [CNStream CORE INFO] [MyPipeline/ _detection/detector] [stream_1] got eos.

I0221 16:35:52.880925 22577 cnstream_pipeline.cpp:352] [CNStream CORE INFO] [MyPipeline/osd_label_map_coco/osd] [stream_1] got eos.

I0221 16:35:52.881206 22579 cnstream_pipeline.cpp:352] [CNStream CORE INFO] [MyPipeline/sinker/rtsp_sink] [stream_1] got eos.

I0221 16:35:52.913113 22604 mlu2xx_decoder.cpp:204] [CNStream SOURCE INFO] [stream_1]: Finish destroy decoder

I0221 16:35:52.992898 22543 cnstream_pipeline.cpp:182] [CNStream CORE INFO] Pipeline[MyPipeline] Stop

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