




MLU370-S4使用onnx_build转换FP16的ONNX模型报错 解决中 Njxisang2023-10-26 16:59:29 回复 1 查看 技术答疑 使用求助


onnx_build --precision force_float16 --magicmind_model content_fp16.mm --onnx  model_fp16.onnx


nohup: ignoring input

2023-10-26 16:29:41.806285: INFO: /usr/local/neuware/samples/magicmind/mm_build/main.cc:13] 

==================== Parameter Information

--precision<Str>              : force_float16 

--calibration<Bool>           : false 

--rpc_server<Str>             : 

--calibration_algo<Str>       : linear 

--file_list<Vec<Str>>         : 

--calibration_data_path<Str>  : 


--batch_size<Vec<Int>>        : 

--input_dims<Vec<Vec<Int>>>   : 

--input_layout<Vec<Str>>      : 

--input_dtypes<Vec<Str>>      : 

--dynamic_shape<Bool>         : true 

--vars<Vec<Vec<Float>>>       : 

--means<Vec<Vec<Float>>>      : 

--output_layout<Vec<Str>>     : 

--output_dtypes<Vec<Str>>     : 

--mlu_arch<Vec<Str>>          : 

--plugin<Vec<Str>>            : 

--magicmind_model<Str>        : content_fp16_int8.mm 

--build_config<Str>           : 

--toolchain_path<Str>         : /usr/local/gcc-linaro-6.2.1-2016.11-x86_64_aarch64-linux-gnu/ 

--rgb2bgr<Bool>               : false 

--cluster_num<Vec<Vec<Int>>>  : 

--onnx<Str>                   : /data/nlp/zhaoxingqian/content-filter/model-store/model.onnx 

MagicMind: 1.3.0

loc("main/p2o.MatMul.96/mm.matmul/mm.matmul/mm.innerproduct/mm.matmul/mm.matmul/cnnl.matmul"): error: 'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.

loc("main/p2o.MatMul.94/mm.matmul/mm.innerproduct/mm.matmul/cnnl.matmul"): error: 'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.

loc("main/p2o.MatMul.92/mm.matmul/mm.innerproduct/mm.matmul/cnnl.matmul"): error: 'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.

loc("main/p2o.MatMul.90/mm.matmul/mm.innerproduct/cnnl.innerproduct"): error: 'cnnl.innerproduct' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.

loc("main/p2o.MatMul.88/mm.matmul/cnnl.matmul"): error: 'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.

loc("main/p2o.MatMul.86/mm.matmul/cnnl.matmul"): error: 'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.

loc("main/p2o.MatMul.84/mm.matmul/mm.innerproduct/mm.matmul/cnnl.matmul"): error: 'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.

loc("main/p2o.MatMul.82/mm.matmul/mm.innerproduct/mm.matmul/cnnl.matmul"): error: 'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.

loc("main/p2o.MatMul.80/mm.matmul/mm.innerproduct/mm.matmul/cnnl.matmul"): error: 'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.

loc("main/p2o.MatMul.78/mm.matmul/mm.innerproduct/mm.matmul/cnnl.matmul"): error: 'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.

loc("main/p2o.MatMul.76/mm.matmul/mm.innerproduct/mm.matmul/cnnl.matmul"): error: 'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.

loc("main/p2o.MatMul.74/mm.matmul/mm.innerproduct/cnnl.innerproduct"): error: 'cnnl.innerproduct' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.

loc("main/p2o.MatMul.72/mm.matmul/cnnl.matmul"): error: 'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.

loc("main/p2o.MatMul.70/mm.matmul/cnnl.matmul"): error: 'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.

loc("main/p2o.MatMul.68/mm.matmul/mm.innerproduct/mm.matmul/cnnl.matmul"): error: 'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.

loc("main/p2o.MatMul.66/mm.matmul/mm.innerproduct/mm.matmul/cnnl.matmul"): error: 'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.

loc("main/p2o.MatMul.64/mm.matmul/mm.innerproduct/mm.matmul/cnnl.matmul"): error: 'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.

loc("main/p2o.MatMul.62/mm.matmul/mm.innerproduct/mm.matmul/cnnl.matmul"): error: 'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.

loc("main/p2o.MatMul.60/mm.matmul/mm.innerproduct/mm.matmul/cnnl.matmul"): error: 'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.

loc("main/p2o.MatMul.58/mm.matmul/mm.innerproduct/cnnl.innerproduct"): error: 'cnnl.innerproduct' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.

loc("main/p2o.MatMul.56/mm.matmul/cnnl.matmul"): error: 'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.

loc("main/p2o.MatMul.54/mm.matmul/cnnl.matmul"): error: 'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.

loc("main/p2o.MatMul.52/mm.matmul/mm.innerproduct/mm.matmul/cnnl.matmul"): error: 'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.

loc("main/p2o.MatMul.50/mm.matmul/mm.innerproduct/mm.matmul/cnnl.matmul"): error: 'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.

loc("main/p2o.MatMul.48/mm.matmul/mm.innerproduct/mm.matmul/cnnl.matmul"): error: 'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.

loc("main/p2o.MatMul.46/mm.matmul/mm.innerproduct/mm.matmul/cnnl.matmul"): error: 'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.

loc("main/p2o.MatMul.44/mm.matmul/mm.innerproduct/mm.matmul/cnnl.matmul"): error: 'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.

loc("main/p2o.MatMul.42/mm.matmul/mm.innerproduct/cnnl.innerproduct"): error: 'cnnl.innerproduct' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.

loc("main/p2o.MatMul.40/mm.matmul/cnnl.matmul"): error: 'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.

loc("main/p2o.MatMul.38/mm.matmul/cnnl.matmul"): error: 'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.

loc("main/p2o.MatMul.36/mm.matmul/mm.innerproduct/mm.matmul/cnnl.matmul"): error: 'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.

loc("main/p2o.MatMul.34/mm.matmul/mm.innerproduct/mm.matmul/cnnl.matmul"): error: 'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.

loc("main/p2o.MatMul.32/mm.matmul/mm.innerproduct/mm.matmul/cnnl.matmul"): error: 'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.

loc("main/p2o.MatMul.30/mm.matmul/mm.innerproduct/mm.matmul/cnnl.matmul"): error: 'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.

loc("main/p2o.MatMul.28/mm.matmul/mm.innerproduct/mm.matmul/cnnl.matmul"): error: 'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.

loc("main/p2o.MatMul.26/mm.matmul/mm.innerproduct/cnnl.innerproduct"): error: 'cnnl.innerproduct' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.

loc("main/p2o.MatMul.24/mm.matmul/cnnl.matmul"): error: 'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.

loc("main/p2o.MatMul.22/mm.matmul/cnnl.matmul"): error: 'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.

loc("main/p2o.MatMul.20/mm.matmul/mm.innerproduct/mm.matmul/cnnl.matmul"): error: 'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.

loc("main/p2o.MatMul.18/mm.matmul/mm.innerproduct/mm.matmul/cnnl.matmul"): error: 'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.

loc("main/p2o.MatMul.16/mm.matmul/mm.innerproduct/mm.matmul/cnnl.matmul"): error: 'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.

loc("main/p2o.MatMul.14/mm.matmul/mm.innerproduct/mm.matmul/cnnl.matmul"): error: 'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.

loc("main/p2o.MatMul.12/mm.matmul/mm.innerproduct/mm.matmul/cnnl.matmul"): error: 'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.

loc("main/p2o.MatMul.10/mm.matmul/mm.innerproduct/cnnl.innerproduct"): error: 'cnnl.innerproduct' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.

loc("main/p2o.MatMul.8/mm.matmul/cnnl.matmul"): error: 'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.

loc("main/p2o.MatMul.6/mm.matmul/cnnl.matmul"): error: 'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.

loc("main/p2o.MatMul.4/mm.matmul/mm.innerproduct/mm.matmul/cnnl.matmul"): error: 'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.

loc("main/p2o.MatMul.2/mm.matmul/mm.innerproduct/mm.matmul/cnnl.matmul"): error: 'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.

loc("main/p2o.MatMul.0/mm.matmul/mm.innerproduct/mm.matmul/cnnl.matmul"): error: 'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.

error: Failures have been detected while processing an MLIR pass pipeline

2023-10-26 16:29:52.845517: INFO:  magicmind/conversion/pass_manager.cc:173] Pipeline func.func(layout-transform,quantize-fuse,cnnl-reformat-transform,branch-merge,int31-conversion-gate-ops,split-int31-op) dumping .//compile_graph/process_main_process_optimize7/7_5_CNNLInt31Split

2023-10-26 16:29:53.234269: INFO:  magicmind/conversion/pass_manager.cc:173] Pipeline func.func(layout-transform,quantize-fuse,cnnl-reformat-transform,branch-merge,int31-conversion-gate-ops,split-int31-op) dumping .//compile_graph/process_main_process_optimize7/7_5_CNNLInt31Split

2023-10-26 16:29:53.619381: ERROR:  magicmind/cc/implement/processor.cc:210] Failed to run pass pipeline: CNNLInt31Split: 'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.cnnl.matmul

2023-10-26 16:29:53.619426: ERROR:  magicmind/cc/implement/processor.cc:210] Failed to run pass pipeline: Verify: 'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.

2023-10-26 16:29:53.619433: ERROR:  magicmind/cc/implement/processor.cc:210] Failed to run pass pipeline: CNNLInt31Split: 'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.cnnl.matmul

2023-10-26 16:29:53.619439: ERROR:  magicmind/cc/implement/processor.cc:210] Failed to run pass pipeline: Verify: 'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.

2023-10-26 16:29:53.619442: ERROR:  magicmind/cc/implement/processor.cc:210] Failed to run pass pipeline: CNNLInt31Split: 'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.cnnl.matmul

2023-10-26 16:29:53.619448: ERROR:  magicmind/cc/implement/processor.cc:210] Failed to run pass pipeline: Verify: 'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.

2023-10-26 16:29:53.619459: ERROR:  magicmind/cc/implement/processor.cc:210] Failed to run pass pipeline: CNNLInt31Split: 'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.innerproduct' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.cnnl.innerproduct

2023-10-26 16:29:53.619466: ERROR:  magicmind/cc/implement/processor.cc:210] Failed to run pass pipeline: Verify: 'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.innerproduct' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.

2023-10-26 16:29:53.619553: ERROR:  magicmind/cc/implement/processor.cc:210] Failed to run pass pipeline: CNNLInt31Split: 'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.innerproduct' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.cnnl.matmul

2023-10-26 16:29:53.619567: ERROR:  magicmind/cc/implement/processor.cc:210] Failed to run pass pipeline: Verify: 'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.innerproduct' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.

2023-10-26 16:29:53.619571: ERROR:  magicmind/cc/implement/processor.cc:210] Failed to run pass pipeline: CNNLInt31Split: 'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.innerproduct' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.cnnl.matmul

2023-10-26 16:29:53.619575: ERROR:  magicmind/cc/implement/processor.cc:210] Failed to run pass pipeline: Verify: 'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.innerproduct' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.

2023-10-26 16:29:53.619579: ERROR:  magicmind/cc/implement/processor.cc:210] Failed to run pass pipeline: CNNLInt31Split: 'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.innerproduct' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.cnnl.matmul

2023-10-26 16:29:53.619586: ERROR:  magicmind/cc/implement/processor.cc:210] Failed to run pass pipeline: Verify: 'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.innerproduct' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.

2023-10-26 16:29:53.619591: ERROR:  magicmind/cc/implement/processor.cc:210] Failed to run pass pipeline: CNNLInt31Split: 'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.innerproduct' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.cnnl.matmul

2023-10-26 16:29:53.619595: ERROR:  magicmind/cc/implement/processor.cc:210] Failed to run pass pipeline: Verify: 'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.innerproduct' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.

2023-10-26 16:29:53.619600: ERROR:  magicmind/cc/implement/processor.cc:210] Failed to run pass pipeline: CNNLInt31Split: 'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.innerproduct' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.cnnl.matmul

2023-10-26 16:29:53.619608: ERROR:  magicmind/cc/implement/processor.cc:210] Failed to run pass pipeline: Verify: 'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.innerproduct' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.

2023-10-26 16:29:53.619614: ERROR:  magicmind/cc/implement/processor.cc:210] Failed to run pass pipeline: CNNLInt31Split: 'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.innerproduct' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.cnnl.matmul

2023-10-26 16:29:53.619618: ERROR:  magicmind/cc/implement/processor.cc:210] Failed to run pass pipeline: Verify: 'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.innerproduct' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.

2023-10-26 16:29:53.619622: ERROR:  magicmind/cc/implement/processor.cc:210] Failed to run pass pipeline: CNNLInt31Split: 'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.innerproduct' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.cnnl.matmul

2023-10-26 16:29:53.619629: ERROR:  magicmind/cc/implement/processor.cc:210] Failed to run pass pipeline: Verify: 'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.innerproduct' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.

2023-10-26 16:29:53.619633: ERROR:  magicmind/cc/implement/processor.cc:210] Failed to run pass pipeline: CNNLInt31Split: 'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.innerproduct' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.innerproduct' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.cnnl.innerproduct

2023-10-26 16:29:53.619638: ERROR:  magicmind/cc/implement/processor.cc:210] Failed to run pass pipeline: Verify: 'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.innerproduct' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.innerproduct' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.

2023-10-26 16:29:53.619645: ERROR:  magicmind/cc/implement/processor.cc:210] Failed to run pass pipeline: CNNLInt31Split: 'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.innerproduct' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.innerproduct' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.cnnl.matmul

2023-10-26 16:29:53.619649: ERROR:  magicmind/cc/implement/processor.cc:210] Failed to run pass pipeline: Verify: 'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.innerproduct' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.innerproduct' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.

2023-10-26 16:29:53.619653: ERROR:  magicmind/cc/implement/processor.cc:210] Failed to run pass pipeline: CNNLInt31Split: 'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.innerproduct' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.innerproduct' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.cnnl.matmul

2023-10-26 16:29:53.619662: ERROR:  magicmind/cc/implement/processor.cc:210] Failed to run pass pipeline: Verify: 'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.innerproduct' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.innerproduct' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.

2023-10-26 16:29:53.619666: ERROR:  magicmind/cc/implement/processor.cc:210] Failed to run pass pipeline: CNNLInt31Split: 'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.innerproduct' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.innerproduct' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.cnnl.matmul

2023-10-26 16:29:53.619672: ERROR:  magicmind/cc/implement/processor.cc:210] Failed to run pass pipeline: Verify: 'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.innerproduct' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.innerproduct' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.

2023-10-26 16:29:53.619677: ERROR:  magicmind/cc/implement/processor.cc:210] Failed to run pass pipeline: CNNLInt31Split: 'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.innerproduct' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.innerproduct' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.cnnl.matmul

2023-10-26 16:29:53.619682: ERROR:  magicmind/cc/implement/processor.cc:210] Failed to run pass pipeline: Verify: 'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.innerproduct' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.innerproduct' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.

2023-10-26 16:29:53.619688: ERROR:  magicmind/cc/implement/processor.cc:210] Failed to run pass pipeline: CNNLInt31Split: 'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.innerproduct' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.innerproduct' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.cnnl.matmul

2023-10-26 16:29:53.619693: ERROR:  magicmind/cc/implement/processor.cc:210] Failed to run pass pipeline: Verify: 'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.innerproduct' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.innerproduct' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.

2023-10-26 16:29:53.619699: ERROR:  magicmind/cc/implement/processor.cc:210] Failed to run pass pipeline: CNNLInt31Split: 'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.innerproduct' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.innerproduct' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.cnnl.matmul

2023-10-26 16:29:53.619704: ERROR:  magicmind/cc/implement/processor.cc:210] Failed to run pass pipeline: Verify: 'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.innerproduct' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.innerproduct' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.

2023-10-26 16:29:53.619711: ERROR:  magicmind/cc/implement/processor.cc:210] Failed to run pass pipeline: CNNLInt31Split: 'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.innerproduct' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.innerproduct' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.cnnl.matmul

2023-10-26 16:29:53.619715: ERROR:  magicmind/cc/implement/processor.cc:210] Failed to run pass pipeline: Verify: 'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.innerproduct' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.innerproduct' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.

2023-10-26 16:29:53.619724: ERROR:  magicmind/cc/implement/processor.cc:210] Failed to run pass pipeline: CNNLInt31Split: 'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.innerproduct' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.innerproduct' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.innerproduct' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.cnnl.innerproduct

2023-10-26 16:29:53.619729: ERROR:  magicmind/cc/implement/processor.cc:210] Failed to run pass pipeline: Verify: 'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.innerproduct' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.innerproduct' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.innerproduct' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.

2023-10-26 16:29:53.619737: ERROR:  magicmind/cc/implement/processor.cc:210] Failed to run pass pipeline: CNNLInt31Split: 'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.innerproduct' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cnnl.matmul' op One of datatypes of arg0 or arg1 is FLOAT16, but it is not supported on this device.'cn

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